Oakland filmmaker Mario Bobino on the set of My Culture

In his first interview since winning a pair of awards at the Universe Multicultural Film Festival, Oakland filmmaker Mario Bobino goes through the challenges of making independent movies as a show of intestinal fortitude when others had closed their doors. From music videos in the late 80’s to the breakthrough of My Culture, Bobino talks to Dave about stumbles along the way but stayed true to his commitment and passion to make it happen. Bobino shares how his experiences with troubled kids helped develop his film characters and the rewarding experience in helping turn lives around. Also, in a mixture of supreme confidence and humility, he shares his experience sauntering into Netflix headquarters in pursuit of a distribution deal only to be escorted from the facility by security guards. In this podcast, Bobino demonstrates that victory in the game of life often comes from just being willing to play. Life is about the journey.

The Dave Lewis Show
The Dave Lewis Show
Oakland Filmmaker Bobino's Perseverance Pays off with Success of My Culture
August 2, 2020

Oakland Filmmaker Bobino’s Perseverance Pays off with Success of My Culture

"I went to the Netflix office, had on my suit and the receptionist said 'Good morning' and I just walked right past her like I was supposed to be there. And then I got to the elevator and I'm like 'I got this far. Now I gotta go talk to somebody.' So I asked some woman, 'Who do you talk to about getting a film distributed. I just made a movie.' She said, 'Okay, let me get back to you, sir.' And she goes in the elevator. I didn't know what floor to go to. Then security comes down and escorts me out of there...so driving back I felt good because at least I tried. I had confidence enough in myself to think if I could have got past that door, if somebody saw my movie, it would have been picked up.'
June 24, 2019

Catching up with Grammy-Nominated Americana duo JC & Laney

"You've caught us at a time where I've had the unfortunate happen here with a broken foot. Normally, if I had a broken foot and would be in a walking boot, maybe over the course of the six week period that I have to be in it, I would have had maybe 12 shows. It just so happens I've been the boot 25 days and we've done 19 shows with a broken foot. We have extra together time now because I can't do a lot of things for myself...Like probably every couple we probably get on each other's nerves a lot during the day. We get off stage and that always seems to be healed. "
May 23, 2019

Fifty No’s for 1 Yes–Why the Numbers Work for Actor Solana Paz

"Auditioning and acting--getting the gig are two different jobs, very different jobs. When you to go an audition. your job is to carry out the audition, period. It's not to get the job because you may or may not get the job and that's completely unrelated to what you did in the audition. So when I go to the auditions, I'm going just for that--for the audition, for the experience. I love it. I audition for three main reasons."
May 6, 2019

It’s Okay That You’re Not Okay–Coming Clean During National Mental Health Month

"You're not perceived as weak. You're perceived as, actually, in my eyes, more courageous because is takes so much vulnerability and self-knowledge and self-awareness to stand fully and say I need help."
April 7, 2019

A look at the NBA post season and life in Hollywood with Bill Herenda

"Because I have a vast amount of experience in sales as well, and I think the rejection is something you have to deal with in a very positive way. It's like you may have done a fine job but maybe you're just not the best fit. It's about the recognition of auditioning, I think it may have been Bryan Cranston I saw talk about this or Al Pacino...where they talk about,'That's your five minutes. That's your work for today. You do get to act today and it just happens to be in the audition. And to embrace that I think is very important."
February 8, 2019

Bill Herenda’s Hollywood Breatkthrough

"If you're not nervous, that's a problem...Pressure is a privilege. I think that may have been Billie Jean King. And to really understand that and get after it, it's really important. And I think there's a balance, too. Of recognizing you are enough, too. And that's what Jenna Fischer talks about in her book that sometimes you don't have to be over the top--that you are enough."