LA/Bay Area actor Nina Martina

LA/Bay Area actor Nina Martina[/caption]Nina Martina makes the transition from film to stage playing multiple roles in Liberace in Pacific Grove. The LA/Bay area actor embraces another professional challenge but nothing compared the challenges she’s faced in her personal life. Once helpless and hopeless in the throes of food addiction, Martina lost over 100 pounds with the realization the healing needed to come from the inside rather than a dress size. The self-described “sushi whore” confesses to her guilty food pleasure, admits to trying a Luther Burger (briefly) and offers hope to anyone as living proof that it’s never too late to chase your dream.

Get tickets for Liberace at with the show running from Aug. 9-20 in Pacific Grove. Also more information on food addiction at

The Dave Lewis Show
The Dave Lewis Show
Nina Martina Takes the Stage and Tackles Food Addiction One Bite at a Time
July 23, 2019

Nina Martina Takes the Stage and Tackles Food Addiction One Bite at a Time

"I have an addictive personality. I have used food and other substances...and even though I've been able to stop and put aside other addictions, food is the hardest because ou have to eat. Any other addiction, it's cold turkey. You need to stop smoking, addicted to cigarettes, you have to stop. Period! You're addicted to drinking, you can't just have a beer. You can't have any, ever. Or any other drug. Well, you can't do that with food.