Romantic comedy author Rich Amooi

You never know where inspiration may come from. Rich Amooi spent more than three decades as a Bay Area radio personality. Learning Spanish led to a chance meeting that would change his life. He’d meet his eventual wife who encouraged him to take writing classes. That led to a career change that’s led to the publication of 12 novels. The self-named King of Romantic Comedy took time away from writing his 13th to tell his story. For anyone that ever wonders if it’s too late to make a change in life, Rich’s story may give you the extra push you need. A true lesson in living life to the fullest.

The Dave Lewis Show
The Dave Lewis Show
Hopeless Romantic Rich Amooi Makes Transition from DJ to Author
November 1, 2018

Hopeless Romantic Rich Amooi Makes Transition from DJ to Author

"The only thing that would take it to the next level is having my novels made into movies...I think it's just a matter of time. People are actively looking right now. This is a great time to be in romantic comedies."