Jay Love of Mix 94.1 keeping his cool with pop star Katy Perry.

Three years ago, J. Love was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer, enduring excruciating chemotherapy and radiation. Today, he’s cancer-free and the program director of Mix 94.1 in Las Vegas. The only African American program director of a Hot AC station in the United States confesses his fear of death and how overcoming cancer can be an inspiration to others, making the changed lifestyle into a science and a crusade. He reflected on a long career that started in San Jose and led him on a path around the country. Love also offers his two cents on the Kareem Hunt situation, saying the Chiefs did the right thing by acting quickly.

The Dave Lewis Show
The Dave Lewis Show
Jay Love of Mix 94.1: Cancer-free and Making the Most of his Second Chance
December 2, 2018

Jay Love of Mix 94.1: Cancer-free and Making the Most of his Second Chance

Three years ago, J. Love was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer, enduring excruciating chemotherapy and radiation. Today, he’s cancer-free and the program director of Mix […]
November 7, 2018

KUBE 93.3’s Strawberry Ready to Take Seattle by Storm

"It plays on the radio and everybody freaks out thinking Jojo was just attacked or abducted by a ghost. So it played and I went into commercials and then he called me in the studio. And when I picked up the phone, somehow our conversation was going out over the radio. I was like, 'Jojo, it sounded really good. I'm sure everybody really believes it.' So he and I are talking about how good he faked everybody out. Meanwhile, I hear somebody running down the hallway and the studio door bursts open and it's my boss. And he's like, 'You're on the air.'...there was some switch I didn't know was on."
September 28, 2018

Angie Maserati is Going Pedal to the Metal for Musical Success

"I never show up knowing what I'm getting paid for a gig. I never ask. I'll leave without getting my check, which is not good. So managers out there who are listening and think they can rip me off, no!