Bay Area singer/songwriter Brooke Michael Smith stays hopeful during COVID-19 pandemic

Bay Area singer/songwriter Brooke Michael Smith stays hopeful curing COVID-19 pandemic[/caption]Bay Area singer/songwriter Brooke Michael Smith is choosing to focus on hope during the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to shelter-in-place with her six-year-old daughter in Oakland. In her conversation with Dave, she shares the therapeutic nature of songwriting as an expression of self-growth, reflection and dreams. Smith explains some of her inspirations, her recordings and performs live while playing acoustic guitar. The self-described night owl tells the story of how moving from St. Louis to Los Angeles was turning point in who she is today.

The Dave Lewis Show
The Dave Lewis Show
Bay Area Singer/Songwriter Brooke Michael Smith Stays Hopeful During COVID-19 Pandemic
April 5, 2020

Bay Area Singer/Songwriter Brooke Michael Smith Stays Hopeful During COVID-19 Pandemic

"Everyone is dealing with some version of isolation and we're all kind of in the same boat. I know some people certainly have it harder than others...and I know with all the loss, there's certainly an opportunity for renewal. I'd like to think you'd have to think that way. Otherwise, what do you have. You have to go where the hope is."