Once upon a time, Mony Nop ate rats and mice to survive. He now is role model dedicated to giving back. From abject poverty, wondering where his next meal would come from, Mony Nop is self-made success who calls Livermore his home. The story of his escape from the Cambodia “Killing Fields”, where an estimated two million people were killed is filled with pain and inspiration. Following a riveting appearance in the Dancing with the Tri-Valley Stars, Nop has his sights set on the next goal and focused on a life of giving back. Not only a book author, realtor and public speaker, Nop may have a future in politics. Check out his story.

The Dave Lewis Show
The Dave Lewis Show
Mony Nop: From the Killing Fields to a Life of Gratitude
May 23, 2018
mony nop

Mony Nop: From the Killing Fields to a Life of Gratitude

"My father used to catch rats and mice and would cut 'em open, dry them all up and sautee them with salt and put them on the roof of our hut to dry them out so this way we could have 'em for dinner."
May 18, 2018

Part 3: The Finish Line and New Beginnings

Feeling like a breathing lump of scar tissue, I headed to 24 Hour Fitness in the morning to go over the routine near one of the […]
May 17, 2018

Part 2: The Tension Mounts

Although we never discussed the options, I’m sure there was an alternative to the jump that would have worked seamlessly. I also knew it was a […]